A restoration that is part of our eco-responsible approach
In order to offer more sustainable and responsible food, Saint-Vincent Tourante 2024 has decided to set up a sustainable catering charter and has made it a point of honor to work with partners and local products. In total, more than forty catering outlets are located in the villages of Morey-Saint-Denis and Chambolle-Musigny.
Amicale des Sapeurs pompiers Morey-Chambolle | Hot-dogs, soupe butternut Brioche, Café |
APE Morey-Chambolle | bol nachos sauce cheddar eau-coca-café-jus de fruits Brownies |
Association de chasse « Le rallye de Chambolle » | meurette and epoisses eggs, hot dogs – soft drinks – coffee – glass of wine with catering |
Association paroissiale de Couchey et Drep’Avenir | vin chaud et crêpes + DREP pâtisseries-confiseries thé-café-chocolat |
Association Reulle-Vergy | andouillette cuite au vin blanc et oignons, sandwich reullois, frites Crêpes |
Association Saint Symphorien de Brochon | crêpes salées – café – vin chaud eau-jus de fruits-chocolat chaud gaufres – crêpes sucrées |
Association sportive de Gevrey Chambertin (foot) | eggs in meurette and epoisses, hot dogs, Burgundian-style andouillette sandwiches |
Au Petit Bonheur | eggs in meurette |
Au Bon Endroit Margotte | hot toast with Bayonne Morbier ham, tartiflette, andouillettes, sauerkraut, coffee, coke, ice tea, water, wine by the glass |
Bar à jus nomade | hot chestnuts – hot apple juice |
Bar’batube | conets of charcuterie, gougères, hot dogs (organic artisanal bread, stewed cabbage and fried onions, sausage) |
Brasserie de Flavigny | craft beers – pancakes/sausages |
Broch Grill & Cook | spit-roasted hams/straw potatoes or new potatoes/old mustard cream sauce |
Castel de Très Girard | homemade hamburgers – Burgundian beef cheek sandwiches – oysters |
Cherif Aberrahman | cheeses, hot toast, tartiflette, morbiflette, onion soup |
Club sportif nuiton (rugby) | Burgundy Bagnat Bread, Snails |
Délices de Rahma | couscous and tagines - Moroccan soup – oriental cakes – mint tea |
Des Ailes pour Gabriel | crêpes jambon/fromage – bière locale crêpes – jus de pomme épicé produits locaux et bio |
Epicerie Fine | lunzo, Pata Negra ham, pork, plain or flavored pressed pasta |
Foot de Vougeot | escargots époisse Gaufre |
Fromagerie Delin | around the cheese |
Gougères et Meurettes | meurette and Époisses eggs, Comté and Époisses gougères, parsley ham, fries – tea, coffee, mulled wine |
Hélice Beaune | 12 snails + dishes around the snail |
L’Alambic Bourguignon | sausages and cold cuts cooked with marc and lees |
L’Oeuf en meurette | eggs in meurette and epoisses (specialist) – wine, beer, sodas and mulled wine |
Le Cep | Eggs in meurette and epoisse – cod acras – Creole pâtés, sliced andouillette + fries |
Le Chambolle | croustade d’escargots – hot dog |
Le Millésime | Restaurant |
Le Richebourg | snails, oysters, cold meats, smoked salmon |
Les Délices d’Aurélie | waffles mulled wine hot chocolate |
Les Gourmandises de Morey | savory gougères, pizza slices, savory tart, croque monsieur, sweet + beer tap |
Les Gourmands | snails, eggs meurette, ham sandwiches, rosette, waffles, pancakes |
Les pralines de mon père | caramelized dried fruits, peanuts, other seeds, jar of sunflower seed praline spread (vegan) |
Les Volets Bleus | Streetfood bourguignone, offres végétarien(e)s, cafés bières |
Limouzi Saveurs | old-fashioned gluten-free lactose-free macaroons |
Lions Club Gevrey | soupes, café, vin chaud crêpes, flan |
Manga-T | bubble tea (flavored tea drink with fruit syrup pearls) |
O’ Ptites Françaises | pancakes, churros, waffles, cotton candy – soft drinks |
Quarré de chocolat | sweet – savory waffles – coffee, hot chocolate |
Rotisserie du Chambertin | house/comté sausage sandwich, oysters |
Rugby « Les Black Chairs » | diots/fries, foie gras moricette, waffles, water-soda-beer |
Sarl Renard Traiteur | meurette eggs, Marsannay parsley sandwich, parsley cubes, sale of parsley, vegetable soup |
Société de chasse Saint Hubert MSD | hot braised ham snack – beer, coffee, soda |
Terroirs Dijon | Savory: flagship dish fish & chips of dawn trout, herb and spice cream sauce |
Un groin de Paradis | charcuterie plate (marsley-pâté crust-sausage-coppa-ham nuts) – charcuterie sandwiches – perhaps soup with charcuterie |