Questions answers
Is there a charge for entry to Saint-Vincent?
No, access is free. You can walk freely through the villages, admire the decorations and enjoy the entertainment.
This will still require, if you come neither on foot nor by bike, to take a paid shuttle: €6 one way – free return.
Furthermore, to taste the Saint-Vincent wines in the tasting cellars, you will need to bring a “tasting kit”. It is possible to buy it now on the internet (See more information here) or in the 8 cellars “sale of kits and goodies” during the event on January 27 & 28.
How to get to Saint-Vincent, where to park?
You can come on foot, by bike, by public transport or by car. See more information here
Please note, on January 27 & 28, 2024, traffic is prohibited for cars between Gevrey-Chambertin and Gilly-les-Cîteaux from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday and from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday. Parking and shuttles are available for your visit.
Les vélos et les trottinettes sont interdits dans les villages. Ils doivent être laissés dans les parking prévus à cet effet. Ces parkings ne sont pas gardés mais sont situés à proximité d’un point de contrôle ( Pensez aux cadenas).
Quelles sont les horaires des navettes ? D’où partent-elles ?
Shuttles every 15 to 20 minutes from 7:15 a.m. on Saturday and 9:00 a.m. on Sunday
Au nord
- Ligne 1 : Tram Dijon (Prise / dépose des voyageurs : après l’arrêt Carraz de la ligne 2 du tram.
- Ligne 2 : parking « L’entrepôt » 122 avenue Roland Carraz à Chenôve (Prise / dépose des voyageurs : Sur avenue Roland Carraz proche Brico Dépôt)
- Ligne 3 : Les portes de SUD Géant Casino (Prise / dépose des voyageurs rue Paul Chartron)
- Line 4: Cora Marsannay car park
- Line 5: Gevrey-Chambertin station, rue des Artisans
Au sud
- Ligne 7 : ZAC des Renardères Nuits-Saint-Georges (Prise dépose des voyageurs : Rue Paul Paqueriaud)
- Ligne 8 : Parking des buttes (Prise dépose des voyageurs rue de la Berchère)
I don't know if I reserved tasting kits / I can't find my order for tasting kits?
You can check your order and re-download it by clicking on the option « Déjà commandé ? Récupérez vos billets en cliquant ici » available on the tasting kit reservation screen See here
Quels sont les horaires de la Saint-Vincent ? Est-il possible d’avoir un plan des lieux de la manifestation ?
What are the security measures?
To access the heart of the villages, each visitor will have to go through an access control (PIF = Identification and Search Points) where security agents are likely to carry out searches in order to guarantee the security of the event. .
Quelles sont les contraintes de stationnement et de circulation pour les riverains ? ?
Are there any activities planned for children?
Yes in the “children’s cellars” See more information here
Are services for people with disabilities offered?